So what if David is finally able to drink from a straw instead of spilling on himself?
Moments of progress like that can easily be deemed as insignificant and may not even be measurable in an alternate assessment. We see every progress, big or small, as valuable. Yes, drinking from a straw means something to us. |
IDENTIFY HOLES‘Holes’ are revealed through assessing the individual at his/her current level of functioning so that a unique IEP can be formulated for intervention.
SUPPLEMENT CURRICULUMSWith the ‘holes’ in mind, teachers will be able to use the Functional Skills curriculum activities to target those identified areas of weakness.
READY-MADE MANIPULATIVESOur “low-tech” Assistive Technology provides manipulatives needed by individuals with severe disabilities.
COLLECT DATA AND REPORT PROGRESSIt’s all about the data. Individuals with disabilities are measured against themselves and even the smallest of progress is measurable.